Tuesday, March 2, 2010

random Chilean thoughts

Personal thoughts post.

I feel awful about Santiago and surrounding areas in Chile. When I watch the news coverage of the aftermath from the 8.8 earthquake, I’m in tears. We have so many devoted fans in Chile, Madonna traveled through during Sticky & Sweet and the Chilean fanclub produces so many outtakes. The people of Chile have been so friendly and great, breaks my heart that there is no warning system in place for all of these earthquakes and Tsunamis. For Chilean fans, remember that it’s how you get back up that matters. You export food to my table, I have strawberries and blueberries in my kitchen from your country. Well wishes to you. You’re in my thoughts every minute of the day.


Something to Remember

On a lighter note;

Facebook has changed the way the fan pages are updated and it benefits the music postings (soundcloud/blogpost auto feed the main news for fans). I’m beginning to tailor each new release being posted in Facebook. Twitter is auto-updated though I don’t spend much time interacting in Twitter. Madonna Radio has hundreds of followers in Twitter and thousands in Facebook. I’m beginning to interact in Twitter more often though I really enjoy Facebook for Madonna Radio. Facebook is way more interactive. The platforms that Madonna Radio is currently listed in are being explored. Madonna released her iTunes App for iPhone/iPod and turned off the Madonna Remixes App for a while. I contacted iLike.com, all music is available in http://madonnaremixes.com. The App she designed is nice enough, 20 second sound bytes is appropriate seeing as when I use the apps, they are on for a short time unless I’m in the sun bathing. The Madonna Remixes App better be back on when Spring arrives, I’m going on holiday and would rather listen to the App than load the iPhone with music already in the App. Hmm….

[Via http://madonnaradio.wordpress.com]

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