¿Veremos cantar a Quin Like a Virgin? ¿Nos sorprenderán con algo mejor? Para no lanzar un spoiler no diremos un titulo mucho más acertado, pero seguramente, Gleeks, una canción en concreto habrá pasado por muchas de vuestras mentes.
La ambición rubia ha concedido a la FOX los derechos de su catalogo de canciones para hacer un especial en la serie. Más que un acto de buena fe o caridad, este hecho, confirma el buen olfato de Madonna para los negocios, ya que todos los covers de la serie se han alzado como número unos de itunes.
También se ha confirmado que alguno de las caras más conocidas del reality show americano American Idol harán algún que otro cameo en la serie.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Bienvenida Reina de Pop
“Beautiful Stranger” presento un video musical de estilo retro, fue dirigido por Brett Retner y filmado el 1 de mayo de 1999 en los Universal Studios de California. El video comienza con Austin Powers (Mike Myers) siendo asignado para atrapar a una espía que trabaja con el Doctor Evil quien es una maestra del disfraz. De acuerdo con el jefe de Austin, Basil Exposition (Michael York) quien hace un cameo en el video, Madonna (la espía) fue la responsable de la muerte de los compañeros 007 y 008. Entonces Austin se dirige a una discoteca donde baila Madonna. Mientras se queda observando su forma sexi de bailar sobre un escenario, Austin tiene fantasías acerca de él y Madonna en su auto, con Madonna lamiendo su cara, refregándose sobre él con su campera abierta y meneando su trasero contra Austin. El video finaliza con los dos personajes en su auto, y Austin sin cumplir su misión ya que se enamora de Madonna. El video también incluye los cameos del Dr. Evil y su pequeño clon Mini-Me quienes aparecen bailando en la discoteca.
El video igual que la canción fue todo un éxito, ganando el premio de los MTV Video Music Awards por Mejor Video de un Film. Este video esta disponible en la colección de videos de Madonna The Video Collection 93:99.
* Director: Brett Ratner
* Productor: John Marshall
* Director de fotografía: Thomas Kloss
* Editor: Mark Helfrich
* Compañía Productora: Villains
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Madonna já fez de tudo na vida!
A Pop Star e Rainha, Madonna plantou uma árvore chamada “Árvore do Milagre“, que dizem curar várias doenças, no local de construção de uma futura escola para meninas no Malawi. A escola vai abrir as portas em 2012.
Diz uma máxima que na vida a gente tem que casar, escrever um livro e plantar uma árvore, então a Rainha já fez de tudo, pode se considerar plena a partir de agora.
Ela está linda! Vou já plantar uma árvore, vai faltar apenas escrever um livro e me casar, que sem dúvida é o mais difícil.
Alguém se candidata?
Leonardo Portela
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Water, The chemistry of life.
- The chemical reactions in all plants and animals that support life take place in a water medium.
- Water not only provides the medium to make these life sustaining reactions possible, but water itself is often an important reactant or product of these reactions. In short, the chemistry of life is water chemistry.
- Whenever we attempt to determine whether there is life as we know it on Mars or other planets, scientists first seek to establish whether or not water is present.
- Why? Because life on earth totally depends on water.
- A High percentage of living things, both plant and animal are found in water. All life on earth is thought to have arisen from water.
- The bodies of all living organisms are composed largely of water. About 70 to 90 percent of all organic matter is water.
- Water is a universal, superb solvent due to the marked polarity of the water molecule and its tendency to form hydrogen bonds with other molecules.
- One water molecule, expressed with the chemical symbol H2O, consists of 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom. Standing alone, the hydrogen atom contains one positive proton at its core with one negative electron revolving around it in a three-dimensional shell.
- Oxygen, on the other hand, contains 8 protons in its nucleus with 8 electrons revolving around it. This is often shown in chemical notation as the letter O surrounded by eight dots representing 4 sets of paired electrons.
- The single hydrogen electron and the 8 electrons of oxygen are the key to the chemistry of life because this is where hydrogen and oxygen atoms combine to form a water molecule, or split to form ions.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
La Toya Jackson is a visin of silk blue as she leaves the set of Dancing With The Stars.
Celebrity always does bite, but it is how one uses their fame for the good, that shows a star’s true star power, or whether they are just pretending to be a star. Always give. Celebrity News bites today are as follows:
Hollywood legend, Steven Spielberg has been retained as Creative Director for Universal at $50 million a year. Nice!–Variety
At 16, Miley Cyrus‘ brief appearance in Sex & The City II sparks questions. She loves it.–popeater
Oscar and grammy winner, Jennifer Hudson is in talks to play the role of Winnie Mandlea in a Nelsen Mandela biopic. Great role!–showbiz411
Giving fills Madonna’s love of more fame with Glee. The hit feel good TV show is doing an entire episode devoted to Madonna songs as Madonna gifts them her music royalty rights. Nice!–Music-Mix
Charlize Theron may play Mad Maxine, as Mel Gibson is perhaps too old to star in a Mad Max Reprise–Sydney Sun.
Kanye West did not die in a car crash as falsely reported. Taylor Swift did not kill him.–Sophos
~featured pic and charity link is The Joey Parker Movement, see details below after celebrity gossip bites continues. thank you~
Billy Joel signs yet another house away to another ex-wife, Katie Lee Joel for $3 million in Manhatten–Observer
Justin Timerlake and Jessica Biel are still wild for each other, despite reports they split–OK!
Rosie O’donnell and Kelli Carpenter have split. Donald Trump will be so happy with this news, or are the couple just doing a Jon & Kate Gosselin? An empty hot air balloon will be sailing across of the sky next on nationwide TV with “Happy Halloween, love Rosie on it!”–radar
The New York Times apologizes to actress Sienna Miller for falsely reporting she once dated, Heath Ledger and Sean Combs–UKDailyNews
Twilight’s New Moon movie ticket sales in Germany smash records and crash website servers. Nice. Go Stefani Meyer!–Variety
Mario Lopez will take any opportunity he can to show of his abs, including appearing on a lesbian hosts talk show. He’s so Hollywood. Dig–ExtraTV
Hasbeen actor, Bronson Pinchot adds to the homophobic rumors of Tom Cruise as he shares details about their time on the set of Risky Business together a million years ago. Tom can’t win. Cruise is either closted gay or a homophobe or a gay homophone with a beard wife. Poor Tom & Katie Holmes–HuffPo
Good Charlotte rocker Joel Madden says that he and Nicole Richie are not married, despite Star Magazine’s claims they are–GoodCharlotte
Adam Lambert does his version of rooftop singing. Amy Winehouse does have fake boobies her dad Mitch Winehouse declares and Jon Gosselin charges $11k for a radio appearance. WTF?!–E! Entertainment Online
And there you have it! To donate to a worthwhile cause, check out Khloe Kardashian’s favorite charity tweeted to her by Joey Parker one of her twitter fans who is a student (see how Twitter rocks?!), who believes in “changing the world, one blog at a time.” Love it. Donate to The Joey Parker Movement Project that benefits Africa here. Thank you all.
In the words of the Beatles… love is all you need. Nice one Khloe and Joey.
~Posted by Horiwod.Com in Hollywood California USA, 10.21.09~
Monday, October 19, 2009
Greenhorn of Africa (Part Four)
A New York Navel-Gazer Looks at Botswana, South Africa
and Mozambique by Way of London
By Kyle Thomas Smith
Part Four
August 26, 2009 – Tubu Tree, Botswana; Savuti, Botswana
Julius goes on morning safari. I stay in, read, write. All come back w/ news that, ~ 1 mile from camp, carcass of impala hung from tree. Lioness hunted it, tore out jugular, dragged it to tree & hung it up for stripping. Also, saw rhino, which we saw yesterday.
Graham discusses how mating season w/ lions goes. Lion mounts lioness, she allows sperm deposit but then whips him to ground. 2 mins later, he’s on another lioness and, 2 mins after that, another. Sounds like trip to Amsterdam to me.
Graham gives me copy of mystery he’s finished reading, Blood Moon by Garry Disher. Says it’s set near Melbourne. No contender for Booker Prize. Just good holiday read. Also mentions liking work of Australian crime fiction writer Peter Temple. Never heard of either. Want to read more crime fiction, again, to learn plots. Want to learn how to write better fiction. Julia mentions book group favorite, The Slap by Greek writer named Christos Tsiolkas. Coming away from Tubu Tree w/ extensive reading list that includes Booker Prize winner whom Graham regrets telling she couldn’t write.
Lunch is on. Buffet-style again: beef stew, rice, beans=basic. Spend last few minutes @ camp observing Giles. He talks about how Australia commemorates wintry aspect of Xmas with July 25 celebration, which coincides w/ subequitorial winter. Hope he had happy Xmas last month and will have another in December. Newlyweds from England (guy) & Australia (woman), both living in Singapore, sit on own side of table. We don’t interfere w/ honeymoon – those always end too soon.
Julius & I say goodbye to Jacky, Justin, Giles, Graham & Julia. Julius has Graham & Julia’s email. Both want us to keep them apprized of when my book will be in print. Well, gotta get a publisher first, but Tubu Tree was enough to take my mind off anxiety around that. W/ 6” of sunscreen on skin, clap safari hat on head, climb in jeep, where bags already waiting, & drive off to Okavango Delta airstrip w/ Johnny.
Once there, we wait for plane to Savuti Camp. Plane is late.
Waiting around in shade but hot out. Julius takes out iPhone, clicks on iPod, turns on Exile on Main Street, my favorite album, which he downloaded. Asks Johnny if he likes this kind of music. W/ most pleasant smile he can muster, Johnny says, “I like softer music.”
Julius puts on La Boheme. Johnny likes it. I say La Boheme = one of stupidest plots in opera – Rodolfo confesses everlasting love for Mimi (chick he met 10 mins ago), she leaves him next day & comes back to his garret dying of tuberculosis many mos later & Rodolfo says he’ll never love again. Julius insinuates that I’m a churl/cad for thinking this.
Charter Flight arrives. Say goodbye to Johnny; show our appreciation for his stellar hospitality & savoir-faire around game parks. Don’t know how any camp will measure up to Tubu Tree. Board plane, bracing myself slightly but not so scared of flight after chat w/ Alan. 12 passengers going to/from various camps on board. Pilot gives pre-flight instrucs. Mentions “comfort bag” in front of each seat. Euphemisms never cease, do they?
Doing pretty well on way to Linyanti Marsh. Only close eyes through ~ ½ trip as plane sways aboveground. But woman next to me reaches for “comfort bag,” sticks head in. Fear chain reaction, praying plane lands soon. Prayer answered & turns out woman never needed to puke in comfort bag.
S. African guide named Ant picks us up on way to Savuti Camp, located @ confluence of Savuti Channel & Linyanti River. B/f leaving Linyanti Marsh airstrip, Ant mentions has surprise for us. Says we’ll be meeting special guest. Gets on CB, asks colleague, “Is she still there?” Colleague says, yes. Ant says, “Can you tell us who we’re going to see?”
Julius and others answer, “Madonna?” Even Ant says = reasonable guess in this phase of pop singer’s life but, “No,” he says, “Better than Madonna.”
Jeep pulls out, travels ~ 1 mi. over to brush, where lioness sleeps w/ her cub. Snapping pix all around her, she doesn’t flinch. Amazing how animals not in least intimidated by jeeps.
No natives greet us w/ song upon arrival @ camp, except for non-singing woman named Carrie, native Botswanan who’s whiter than I am. Don’t know her story, except she says Afrikaans parents settled in Botswana ~ time of her birth & she’s never lived anywhere else. Camp appears to be 3 Xs size Tubu Tree w/ log ramps gliding for city block in network of deluxe cabins.
Staff takes us to common area, overlooking Savuti channel, where few dozen guests from America & Europe congregate, drinking Iced Tea, munching on lemon cookies & baklava. We sign indemnity form like we did @ Tubu Tree, tho don’t fear mortal injury since having experienced no incidents when driving right up to wild animals. Woman who was about to use comfort bag has just arrived, finds me, introduces herself as Jane from Seattle; says I looked ready to grab my comfort bag too. I deny it.
Our cabin looks out on to Linyanti River, which reflects moss-green marshes & weeping willows. 2 Xs big as Tubu Tree cabin. Canopied bed w/ mosquito netting, looks like accessory in sultry moment in old French-Indochina, tho danger of mosquitoes this time of year = minimal. (Mosquitoes = annoying in America but often disease-ridden in Africa.) Open shower on concrete floor. Must keep valuables in safe, tho. No danger of thieves, but squirrels get in through slats & gnaw thru bags.
Afternoon Safari
Before embarking on afternoon safari, I have a chat w/ guide-trainee from neighboring village named Tony. Says being accepted to guide program = competitive. Out of the 4 applicants, only 2 made it. Tony obviously hasn’t experienced NYC-style competitive. He must be ~ 19 yrs old. Farthest outside Botswana he’s been = Zimbabwe. Wants so much to go to America.
Says will lose most of $ to $-changers when comes to exchanging Botswanan pula for US dollars.
In jeep w/ 3 people from D.C. – Frank, Ann, Mike. Frank = lawyer, Mike’s friend. Mike = lawyer, Ann’s husband. Ann = lawyer-cum-executive coach. Ask re: her practice. Says focuses heavily on Myers-Brigg. I’m an INFJ. She’s the opposite – an ESTP. We spend rest of ride discussing theories of personality.
See leopard, rhinos, jackals, elephants, wildebeest (stay hunched all day long). Most engaging of all, tho, our jeep & 2 other jeeps pull up to lions feasting on buffalo:
Pix snapping all around them & couldn’t care less.
Then there were the hippos. They can dunk their heads under water for 8 to 10 minutes at a time:
And the Savuti sunset:
Buffet-style dinner @ Savuti. Hummus w/ pita, beef stew, chicken, pork dishes (latter I ignore). Drinking hulking glass of Merlot. Sit w/ Ann & husband Mike.
Discuss Bernie Madoff. How could he get away w/ it for so long? His sons turned him in. Why? Was it family arrangement? Madoff taking whole sentence to clear rest of family? Another Botswanan guide named Chet hasn’t heard news. Wants to know who Madoff is & what he did.
Seems shocked that one can make so much $ in America like America. Talks about how he wants to come to America, just like Tony. Some former guests from LA invited Chet. He’s saving up.
Meet Loku, a camp employee from just outside Sheffield, England (birth name: Nick). Comes up in conversation he doesn’t understand American obsession w/ always having to get more degrees/letters after one’s name. Turns out, tho, he graduated from Oxford. After college, went to work in mktng dept of London Times. Couldn’t’ve been more miserable, so logged on to Internet to look up jobs in Africa. Found NGO that worked to preserve rhino population of Africa. After lil back-&-forth, found himself on plane bound for Botswana & got job. In course of working there, he met people @ various camps, who asked him to help out w/ some work here & there. Work accumulated to the point where Savuti asked him to come on staff. Been in Botswana 13 yrs, doesn’t know what’s next & doesn’t care too much.
So nice to meet successful rat-race refugee. Julius & I drink champagne w/ him till about midnight, talking about favorite areas of London & naughty things that naughty Brits get up to. Too stunned by Botswana’s beauty to discuss it right now.
August 27, 2009 – Savuti Camp, Botswana
Let Julius go ahead w/o me on morning safari. Wrote journals, read Elegance of Hedgehog instead. Saw squirrel in cabin. Don’t mind. Just want make sure it has way out, don’t want going crazy & tearing things up w/ sharp lil claws. @ lunch, jump in jeep w/ Loku. Driving out to lunch site miles away. Had to change lunch site @ last minute.; herd of elephants showed up & might upset balance b/t man & nature if we sat @ tables & ate w/ them.
Loku says China ~ dominant in world economy. Chinese taking over Africa. Telling local governments they’ll build hospitals, schools & highways in exchange for land. Many questions if they’re making good on their part of the bargain. America’s economy still in recession, tho. Is America a crumbling empire? We discuss, don’t know, maybe. Whatever happens, our old way of doing business = untenable. Both applaud ourselves for eschewing corporate culture.
As we speak, herd of elephants marches into a gigantic mud puddle to our left. 2 are young & injured. Both have severed trunks & bandied legs. Hyenas probably got them. Loku has seen them out here before, didn’t think they’d last this long. Older elephants form circle around them, feed them branches & leaves from trees, ensure safety in herd.
Several elephants roll around in mud, let it bake on to their hides in sun.
Loku & I drive to new picnic site. Others pull up in jeeps, including Julius. Lunch buffet much same as yesterday, except for addition of beef kebabs, chickpeas, & omelet option. Again, I opt for St. Louis Lager. Julius & I sit @ end of table. As we eat & talk to many of the other 20 or so guests, the elephant herd from mud puddle crosses over hills & marches w/i only a dozen or so yards of us.
The matriarch sounds her trunk-horn. Trees shake. Sensing we’re just picnickers, not hunters, she gives signal to our guide Ant that we’ll get along fine as long as we stay on our side of the mud lake next to us. 10 or so elephants tumble into mud, roll around, frolic, stand in sun. Avoiding incident, we clear away from table, give them space. No incident. Herd goes about its business, takes last stand in sun, & walk over to other hill, injured young in tow.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
complot vampirico -Madonna- iluminacion toiletiana
Estaba el otro dia meditando en el baño, cuando de pronto todo se ilumino, asi es vino a mi un rayo divino el cual me dijo -arma una bomba falsa, con botellitas de aluminio, ponle unos cablesitos y subete a un avion de aeromexico y….
Despues de escuchar el plan que el gran toiletiano y sus gases me decían, opte por dejar la ventana del baño abierta para futuras visitas a ese sacrosanto lugar, bien, no solo eso pense en el baño, sino que tambien pense en toda la bola de fanaticos religiosos que ahi en el mundo y de ahi me translade en pensamiento a los fans de muchos artistas a los cuales la gente llega a idolatrar, sin siquiera saber que es lo que hacen ademas de ser un gran icono de masas.
Mis pensamientos me llevaron entonces a tres grandes personajes de la cultura popular moderna y no solo eso, sino a descubrir un pasado que nadie, o casi nadie sabe, hasta el dia de hoy. Un agradecimiento especial a todos los gases que persibi en el baño ese dia ya que es gracias a ellos que pude tener esos destellos de iluminacion…
Con este post, abro la gran cloaca en que nos tienen metidos ellos, descubriendo no por vez primera un mega-complot por parte de seres vampiricos, con el fin de mantenernos a distancia de sus vidas (no-vidas mas bien) vampiricas alegando que son supuestas excentricidades de su parte sin embargo. cuestiones como la edad es lo que hace que nos demos cuenta de lo diferentes que son de nosotros.
Para darles un ejemplo de ello, aqui estan 3 grandes y brillantes botones.
Madonna la reina del pop, no es lo que aparenta ser… (ella aparenta ser: un gran ser humano, una diva, una exitosa cantante, una buena madre, una persona controvertida, etc.)… bueno… La verdad, es que si lo es. lo que no es… Es la parte de humano.
Me gustaría que prestaran atencion a este video, y pensarán en los grandes cambios significativos de la reina del pop.
primero que nada fijense en la piel (juvenil dirán algunos) yo prefiero llamarle piel viva, Madonna, a pesar de ser de tez blanca tiene un toque natural en su color, esta mas carnudita (de eso no me quejo) comparado con el ser que ahora es…
pero, se preguntarán, si loyapower afirma que madonna NO es humana, entonces…¿que es?
damas y caballeros… Madonna es una vampira.
y para muestra este video (me encanta) por que es donde se ve a una madonna mas demacrada, pero muy entera, con una piel un tanto fantasmagorica, un brillo en los ojos por demas antinatural y unas ojeras dignas de un no-vivo.
Y pues para tener 51 años, se ve muy bien, ¿como logra conservarse asi despues de tantos años? ¿comera niños en la noche?
la pregunta ideal es ¿como sucedio?, tengo entendido que fue a principios de los 90´s, pero la cituacion es si la desconozco. por mi parte es todo, sin embargo, si ustedes tienen alguna idea de que fue lo que paso (se valen especulaciones) favor de dejar un comentario para comenzar un debate universal (si, con personas de todo el universo) acerca de esta y muchas otras cuestiones. bye
varias fotos de Madonna seguida por una Imagen de nuestra siguiente celebridad vampirica, junto con la celebridad de hoy (no digan que no se lo esperaban)
y si no les gusto el post, pues tomen.
la ultima y nos vamos.
Los Reyes vampiros del pop
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Madonna a vrut sa se sinucida! Wow!
Poate ca in aparenta este o persoana dura, dar in adancul sufletului Madonna recunoaste ca este foarte afectata dupa divortul de sotul sau, Guy Ritchie, anul trecut.
Vedeta in varsta de 51 de ani a declarat ca singurul lucru care i-a distras atentia de la aceasta suferinta a fost munca in care s-a cufundat pentru realizarea turneului Sticky and Sweet Tour. Iata ce a declarat cantareata: “A fost un an plin de provocari. Era cat pe ce sa ma arunc de pe acoperisul unei cladiri. Cred ca munca m-a impiedicat sa fac asta si sunt foarte recunoscatoare ca am avut de lucru. Cea mai mare bucurie de la spectacole este magia pe care o obtii cand le creezi – teatrul. Sunt o perfectionista. Imi place munca grea. Imi place sa transpir facand asta.“
De asemenea Madonna a mai amintit si faptul ca imaginea de femeie dura pe care o afiseaza si-a dezvoltat-o dupa ce in presa primele poze nud de la inceputul carierei sale – sustinand ca in realitate nu este atat de “salbatica” pe cat se putea intelege din acele fotografii: “Atunci a fost pentru prima daca cand imi aduc aminte sa fi spus f*** you prin atitudinea mea… Nu aveam de gand sa-mi cer scuze pentru niciuna din faptele mele.“
Cu toate acestea sustine ca in ciuda celor pe care le spunea, era cu totul alta persoana: “Am baut primul data alcool abia dupa primul meu divort, de Sean Penn, cand aveam 30 de ani… Eram un fel de tocilara in liceu.“
P.S. Voi v-o imaginati pe Madonna tocilara? ) Hai ca a fost buna asta! )
10 Celebrity scams to avoid
Emma Stone
Cybercriminals have infected exploited searches that look for pictures of the Zombieland actress naked or use terms like ‘Emma Stone nude’. The pages actually contain rogueware and also prompt false warning messages to appear on the iPhone.
Emails promising an XXX-rated video of pop superstar Madonna actually contain a file that will infect your computer with a Trojan horse.
Britney Spears
A video of Britney Spears, supposedly naked, was being spread by email a couple of years ago. It was actually an attempt by hackers to get people to install malicious code on to their PCs.
Patrick Swayze
Following the Dirty Dancing star’s death, hackers exploited people searching for the news by using ‘SEO poisoning’ to push infected sites up the results list in search engines. The links actually sent people to infected sites.
Megan Fox
Comments on several YouTube videos that promised a link to a ’sex tape’ allegedly showing the Transformers star sent people to a site that asks you to fill in personal details and a survey.
Ashley Greene
Following naked images of the Twilight star being circulated, forum threads and search results were infected to take people to a compromised website that even recognised what operating system they were using so to give them the appropriate infection.
Angelina Jolie
A spam email claiming to provide a direct link to a nude video of Angelina Jolie infected PCs with spyware that steals usernames and passwords and sends to them to a remote location, where malware writers can retrieve them.
Serena Williams
After the tennis star’s outburst during her semi-final match with Kim Clijsters at the US Open, hackers used an SEO-based malware to infect searches for the video.
Stephen Gately
Cybercriminals are using news reports about the death of pop star Stephen Gately to hide malware. The malware warns that you have been infected and prompts you to install a product to remove it, which they ask you to pay for.
Paris Hilton
The heiress is another female celebrity whose name was used as bait in an online scam. Emails with subject lines such as Paris Hilton Free Video, which promised clips of the star naked, were being used to contaminate PCs with viruses.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Eminem esnoba Madonna
Particularmente, eu não gosto da Madonna, e por algum motivo, eu gosto do Eminem. É, ele não faz meu estilo, mas ele é uma boa pessoa. Essa notícia me deixou animadinha, principalmente por mostrar que as coisas estão muito bem no seu lugar.
De acordo com o “Digital Spy”, Eminem esnobou uma possível parceria com Madonna em novo material. O rapper de 36 anos não quis colaborar com a super e mundial diva pop.
“Eu queria trabalhar com Eminem. Eu não acho que ele queira trabalhar comigo. Talvez ele seja tímido“, a cantora de 51 anos contou à Rolling Stone. Recentemente, Nelly Furtado também disse que gostaria de gravar uma faixa com Eminem. Que invejem a Dido, que realizou o feito há alguns anos com a faixa ‘Thank You’.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Un poco tarde
El daño ya está hecho
Hay algunas personas que piensan que a sus 51 años la figura de Madonna es envidiable, pero ni yo ni la misma Madonna pensamos eso, la cantante decidió despedir a su entrenadora personal por su exceso de músculos. Desde hace tres años la popular entrenadora Tracy Anderson trabajaba con “La Reina del Pop” pero al parecer los resultados no fueron los esperados, (y vaya que no!) ya que no le gustó el aspecto de sus brazos, demasiado marcados por los músculos. Cuando Ryan Seacrest le preguntó a Madonna en su programa de radio si había despedido a su entrenadora o si ella había renunciado, la cantante sólo contestó con una risa, asi que todos vamos a asumir que fué una respuesta afirmativa. Si la única culpable de esos brazos es la entrenadora, entonces Madonna esta siendo muy misericordiosa, de castigo debería obligarla a salir en un video musical, vestida con minifalda y haciendo el ridículo con un cuerpo espantoso.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Popular B Side records! Who would've thought that they weren't the single?!
I’ll start it off… Rhona Bennett ( Miss R&B )
“B Side” song on my forthcoming album “The Anticipation Of R&B”
Continue to scroll down and enjoy the ride!!!
Gloria Gayner … disco icon, forever a classic
“I Will Survive” b side to “Substitute”
Queen … funky, flamboyant , crazy talented and innovative
“We Will Rock U” b side to “We Are The Champions”
Dee-lite… our throwback funk group in the nineties, fun, creative and dee-liteful!
“Groove Is In The Heart” b side to “What Is Love”
Elvis Presley … sexy, gutsy, energic and a music icon
“Hound Dog” b side to “Don’t Be Cruel”
Beach Boys… fun, creative and often coined “America’s band”
“Don’t Worry Baby” b side to “Hello, Goodbye”
Doobie Brothers … classic American band, with some classic music, a breeding ground for Michael McDonald
“Black Water” b side to
Madonna … the queen of reinventing yourself! seductress, shock value, and classic pop diva
“Get Into The Groove”
Prince … dripping sex, creative vocals, innovator of sounds, a true artist to the core
“Erotic City” b side to “Let’s Go Crazy”
This song gets an honorable mention… They disabled the link. Sorry:(
KRS-ONE … one of the pioneers of hip hop, prolific lyric master, huge contribution to the “game”
“Hip Hop vs. Rap” b side to “Sound Of Da Police”
Saturday, October 10, 2009
E' tutto vero: credetemi, è accaduto: il nuovista guazzabuglio di "Amici"
E un giorno arrivò un ciclone e si portò via tutto. Forse la disgrazia fu annunciata dalle fauci arrossate della Di Michele, digrignate ormai in modo tale che il botulino non serve più, oppure era già scritta nel volto profondamente mimetico della Martinez (che in genere ha lo sguardo fisso di una statua). Eppure il cataclisma cui è stato sottoposto “Amici” quest’anno è senza pari – quando si dice che la concorrenza di “X-Factor” non ha contribuito affatto alla qualità del programma.
Si è assistito a scene che avevano del surreale, tanto che sarebbe stato lecito chiedersi se eravamo svegli o se dormivamo e i nostri peggiori incubi si erano materializzati. Ho visto (forse non ci crederete) una cantante che invece di cantare ululava alla luna e digrignava i denti: forse era una lupa mannara. Quella signorina violentava il microfono, con una sicumera che neppure Maradona sotto effetto di cocaina o Madonna, che anzi sarebbe sembrata una educanda al confronto. E urlava. Mamma mia, come urlava. Alla fine, Luca Dondoni (che, si vede, ha avuto un crollo nervoso durante l’estate) si divertiva a dire che: “Caspita, non c’è nessuno come te nel panorama musicale italiano”. Dichiarazione che si presta allegramente a due letture. Quale delle due io intenda, vi lascio immaginare.
Giorgia, quella vera, diciamo, si sarà sentita leggermente presa in giro da quei rantoli emessi con forza, intendiamoci, ma con una grinta da Tyrannosaurus rex, non da cantante. E che dire, naturalmente, del fatto che nessuno le abbia fatto capire che forse c’è modo e modo e che sul palco non è che ci si debba scalmanare per cantare checché, che magari “Come saprei” non è una canzone rock e che il dimenarsi come un’ossessa non sostituisce l’incapacità di interpretare, davvero, con profondità un testo d’amore tanto dolce e delicato, e che magari per fare il verso a Panariello che fa il verso a Renato Zero bisognerebbe avere anche un tantino di personalità. Quella, invece, andava tronfia, bella tronfia di se stessa. O tempora.
Ma naturalmente il mondo s’è accanito contro di me. Non è bastata quest’ingiuria fatta passare per forza interpretativa che un’altra cantante s’è presentata a gambe aperte su uno sgabello, con le mani pitturate con due scritte: “Davvero”, sì, davvero imbarazzante. Mai s’era vista prima d’ora una porcheria simile in quasi dieci anni di “Amici”. Che c’entra scrivere col pennarello il titolo della canzone su una parte del proprio corpo? La prossima volta, che cosa si disegnerà e soprattutto dove? (Tremo al pensare che possa essere scelta “Vaffan****” di Marco Masini). Sarebbero questi il gesto distruttivo, la polemica contro la tv generalista, la follia che dovrebbe cambiare il mondo della musica? Sarebbe davvero questo il nuovo corso di “Amici”?
La musica si vedrà anche, ma forse sarebbe meglio che i professori di questa scalcinata classe di canto si sturassero bene i timpani e che cominciassero magari anche a sentire ciò che i loro cosiddetti allievi producono con tanta tranquilla sicumera, a partire dai tre cantautori, tanto per fare qualche nome. Il simpatico Pierdavide canta “Jenny” e tutti si levano ad applaudire il guore di una canzone stupenda, quando in un minuto e quaranta l’unica parola che s’è sentita è il titolo ripetuto una trentina di volte. Però era ritmato, sticavoli (quanto mi manca la Stavolo!). Al confronto, perfino le invenzioni formali del Nunziante (purtroppo scomparso da tutte le scene, con sommo gaudio delle nostre orecchie) avevano un che di brillante. Oltre tutto, alla quarta volta Jenny diventa Gene e, divertimento nel divertimento (la musica si vede, cavolo!), ci si può perfino immaginare Gnocchi che si dimena in discoteca.
Ed Enrico? Vogliamo far passare tutto in cavalleria? Uno stonato come lui erano anni che non si sentiva. Complimenti alla mamma: sarà anche una star, come dice il suo mentore Rapino, ma quanto dobbiamo soffrire prima che diventi un normale cantante? o che almeno riesca ad articolare una frase, senza distruggerla col suo toscano d’accatto? Uno si dice: l’avranno preso perché ha un carattere esplosivo, perché, come ha sostenuto il Charlie dalla faccia tosta, “assomiglia” ad una popstar (poi, sta al mio amabile lettore fare qualche osservazione a proposito dell’apparire e dell’essere). E pensare che io credevo che trovare una popstar fosse la missione impossibile di “X-Factor”… si vede che mi sono perso con il telecomando… (Però quella bionda non è la Maionchi: direi che è la De Filippi).
E poi, il Nigiotti contro chi duella? Ovviamente contro il tenorino, introdotto dalla trama del Rigoletto, perché canta “La donna è mobile”. Il discografico, che ovviamente non ha capito una mazza, credeva che ad un certo punto entrasse il duca di Mantova. Però, spiegateglielo prima (Chicco o Zanforlin) che il duca era, nella finzione, proprio Matteo…
Mancava ancora un pagliaccio vestito col naso rosso e poi c’era un po’ tutto, tranne il talento, tranne le capacità. Intendiamoci: il tempo è dalla parte del programma, che è appena iniziato e può trovare qualche escamotage per cambiare direzione o trovare altri protagonisti (”X-Factor”, invece, dovrebbe proprio ricominciare da capo, per evitare la distruzione nella quale s’è andato a ficcare).
Speriamo. Per ora, all’orizzonte si profilano solo nuvoloni carichi di pioggia.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
İşte Madonna'nın En İyileri
Madonna’nın 1990 yılında yayımladığı “Immaculate Collection” albümündeki ‘Rescue Me’ hariç bütün hitleri aynı albümde toplandı.
36 şarkıdan oluşan albümde 2 yeni Madonna şarkısı da bulunuyor. Bu şarkılardan ilki Jonas Akerlund imzalı klibiyle dikkat çeken ‘Celebration’ olurken diğeri hiphop dünyasının son yıllardaki bir numarası kabul edilen Lil Wayne ile kaydedilen ‘Revolver’ oldu.
Albümdeki şarkılar:
CD 1:
1 – Hung Up
2 – Music
3 – Vogue
4 – 4 Minutes
5 – Holiday
6 – Everybody
7 – Like A Virgin
8 – Into The Groove
9 – Like A Prayer
10- Ray Of Light
11- Sorry
12- Express Yourself
13- Open Your Heart
14- Borderline
15- Secret
16- Erotica
17- Justify My Love
18- Revolver
CD 2:
1 – Dress You Up
2 – Material Girl
3 – La Isla Bonita
4 – Papa Don’t Preach
5 – Lucky Star
6 – Burning Up
7 – Crazy For You
8 – Who’s That Girl
9 – Frozen
10- Miles Away
11- Take A Bow
12- Live To Tell
13- Beautiful Stranger
14- Hollywood
15- Die Another Day
16- Don’t Tell Me
17- Cherish
18- Celebration
Guy Ritchie ainda ama Madonna:"mas ela é retardada" - iG Gente / Matérias - IG
O cineasta Guy Ritchie abriu o jogo para a revista Esquire de novembro. Na entrevista, ele admite que ainda ama sua ex-mulher, Madonna, mãe de seu filho Rocco. “Eu ainda a amo”, diz Ritchie. “Mas ela é retardada!”
O diretor confessou sua frustração com o divórcio, ocorrido em dezembro de 2008, e comentou sobre o sofrimento da separação. “Você não pode dizer que a dor é uma ilusão. Eu senti isso, estive envolvido nisso. Ninguém pode dizer que você não está sentindo dor com a separação”.
Apesar de chamar Madonna de retardada, Guy elogiou a ex-esposa. “Madonna faz as coisas acontecerem. Coloque-a em frente a qualquer garota de trinta anos, e Madonna vai dançar melhor, se apresentar melhor. Ela é forte”.
viaGuy Ritchie ainda ama Madonna:”mas ela é retardada” – iG Gente / Matérias – IG.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Bekentenis: Mijn blij-lijst
Nr 1 in mijn blij-lijst
Ok, ’s ochtends om kwart over 7 wakker worden van iemand die staat te timmeren is zwaar irritant. Ok, ik was wel al wakker maar ik ben zo iemand die zeker een dik half uur nodig heeft tussen het wakker worden en het opstaan moment. Liever heb ik een uur. Maar nee hoor, ten eerste was ik om 10 voor zeven klaar wakker en terwijl ik aan het overwegen was of ik nog een uurtje zo slapen of op zou staan gaat er iemand timmeren. Nou ja, dus dan maar alle Twitter berichten lezen, je weet immers nooit wat je mist, en opstaan.
Nu heb ik meestal een dinsdag-humeur. Je weet wel, wat veel mensen op maandag hebben heb ik op dinsdag. Dinsdag is meestal mijn dag niet. Wellicht omdat ik me pas op dinsdag realiseer dat het geen weekend meer is. Waarschijnlijk omdat ik maandag gewoon het weekend nog eens rustig overdoe in mijn hoofd. Jaaaa, zo heb je dus een dag langer weekend! Met alle voors en tegens.
Anyway, terwijl ik redelijk chagerijnig voor de spiegel sta bedenk ik dat ik ook fijn muziekjes kan draaien. Ik heb nl niet voor niks een iPhone met iPod.
Mijn blij-lijst van dit moment:
Cobra Starship ft. Leighton Meester- Good girls go Bad
Little Boots – New in Town
Lily Allen -Not Fair
Lady GaGa – Beautiful, Dirty, Rich
Britney Spear – Do Somethin’ , Toxic, Womanizer etc.
Pixie Lott – Boys and Girls
Madonna – Celebration
Kylie Minogue – Wow
Beyonce – Sweet Dreams
En zo kan ik geloof ik nog wel even doorgaan. Het zijn gewoon hele fijne, nikszeggende nummers. Lekker als je je humeur wil opvijzelen.
Mijn favoriet vandaag is: Cobra Starship ft. Leigton Meester – Good girls go bad.
Let The Blue Room Tell You What 'Like a Virgin' is About…
By Conor Rowell
Photos by Dain Sandoval
The year was 1992; the USSR was beginning to collapse, Jay Leno took over Johnny Carson’s “Tonight Show,” and first-time director Quentin Tarantino released the film Empire Magazine dubbed, “The Greatest Independent Film of All Time”: Reservoir Dogs. The film has gone down in history as a true cult classic and its quotes can be heard many a nights in the backroom of Duffy’s. And it was about 12 years ago when Erica Sorenson had the original idea to adapt the film for the stage. Erica, who recently finished her run in the Chico Cabaret’s Angry Housewives, explains how many nights she watched Reservoir Dogs and loved every minute of it. She soon had a strange idea: what if the gender-roles were reversed and the women were the ruthless robbers and murderers? And so, Reservoir Dolls was born.
Upon entering the Blue Room, women yelling can be heard from the dressing room while a lowly stagehand brings 2 rolls of duct tape, matches and a gasoline tank on to the stage. Soon, as if the George Baker Selection’s “Little Green Bag” was playing, the Dolls bound out of the back room. The first Doll I talk to was Samantha Perry who plays the eccentric Ms. Pink. Sitting in her iconic black suit and tie, she laughs that this must be one of the only times someone requests to play a Steve Buscemi character. Perry is proud that the women in the play aren’t catty or anything like those Desperate Housewives, but actually a refreshing view on tough women. During the interview, she takes off her high heels, which causes me to mentally laugh at the fact that the only feminine part of the outfit is simultaneously the most painful.
The least intimidating person in the show, as well as the only male, was Jeremy Votava; who is also directing the show. This is one of my favorite movies, he says, and I’m very happy to say that we have stayed very true to the film. After hearing about the idea proposed by Erica, Jeremy was quick to point out that a guy’s perspective would be pertinent; especially concerning some of the male humor. As for some of the iconic scenes from the film, he promises the diner scene is nearly perfect; though there was a debate on the Madonna song dialogue. “No of course they’re going to talk about penises,” Jeremy explains, “It’s not like women just sit around and talk about vaginas as much as we talk about penises.”
The stage has been set up in preparation for Reservoir Dolls for a while now. The stage was shared for Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along-Blog, which just wrapped up September 26, and Dog Sees God: Confessions of a Teenage Blockhead. Upon seeing a ramp when I saw the latter over the weekend, my mind automatically thought, “Oh that’s where Ms. Orange must be dying.” I wish I could speak more of the set but many of the set pieces were not in place during the interviews but the crew has promised a full-furnished performance.
Another thing about the performance is that “it’s not for the faint of heart,” Erica warns with a wicked smile. C-bombs, f-bombs, fighting, blood and guns are what audience members get to expect from the upcoming show.
Diehard fans, like much of the cast and crew as well as myself, will be pleased to know that the original Reservoir Dogs’ soundtrack will be used during each performance. “The music is such a huge part of the film and we wanted to keep that in our show.” Even the Steven Wright song introductions are key in an adaptation like this.
But from every person I talked to, one point kept coming up: this is a very empowering play for women. “Theses women are badass.” Jeremy concludes. But from what I saw it wasn’t the women playing badasses, they were badasses. The Dolls don’t playfully act as Tarantino characters, they are almost sicker than their on-screen counterparts. One scene in particular has been modified to bring a sense of sexual torture instead of just the fear; adding new darker elements to the script. If you don’t believe women can be killers, come meet the Reservoir Dolls and find out for yourself.
A brilliant script written by and performed by a Tarantino-approved cast leaves this critic with high hopes and an urging need to watch that film again. And Ms. Orange summed up the reason why you should see it: “It’s the perfect date show: your girlfriend can feel empowered and your boyfriend can see some ass-kicking!” Reservoir Dolls runs October 1st – 17th at 10:30 with a possible benefit show on the 18th.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
A briga de Madonna e Lady Gaga!
Rolou ontem no Saturday Night Live, um dos programas humorísticos mais legais dos EUA. Ele sempre tem um convidado musical que, além de cantar, participa de algumas piadinhas. Ontem foi Lady Gaga.
Mas eis que em um dos quadros quem faz uma aparição surpresa? Madonna! As duas cantoras aparecem brigando e a cinquentona pergunta à pupila: “What the hell is a disco stick?”, referência à música “Love Game”, no que Gaga responde: “I think you know!”.
Depois de sentadas, Gaga diz que é mais gostosa e Madonna pergunta: “E que tipo de nome é Lady Gaga? Isso parece nome de comida de bebê”. Para parar a briga, o apresentador sugere que as duas loiras se beijem e fazem as pazes… Hummm.
Além disso, Lady Gaga cantou várias músicas e fez piadinhas sobre seu vestido de bolhas com o comediante Andy Samberg, o mais talentoso da nova geração do programa.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Celebrate good times, come on!
É assim, quando se ganha uma coisa… ganha tudo!
Ivete ganhou nenê.. aêêêêê….. segundo internauta infame ” Mais um micaretero no mundo”.. como se o mundo precisasse de mais um…
Na maternidade
O ator Carlos Casagrande ganhou mais um filho…( abafa, que eu não sabia nem que ele tinha um.. maaas, tá valendo)
Ti amoooor!
O dono da Playboy comemorou aniversário de namoro com suas gêmeas… tico e teco….
uhuuu... um ano trocando fralda gereátrica!!! ihiii!
Parabéns pela transformação da Kelly Osbourne..
Ai.... meeedo!
Pra isso:
Extreme Makeover
E parabéns pela iniciativa sustentável da Mirella Santos e da Quitéria Chagas de se vestir com cabelos!
Isso ai, turma... vamos salvar o planeta!
E da Madonna de se vestir com grama…
Tooooda produzina na natureza! Fauna Flora!
E pra você de chegar ao final do post!
Beijo, vai ferver…tchau.
Music (en español, “música”) es el octavo álbum de estudio de la cantante pop Madonna lanzado durante el mes de septiembre del año 2000 en gran parte del mundo. Calificado por los críticos como uno de sus mejores materiales discográficos desde que inició su carrera. A nivel mundial ha vendido aproximadamente 13 millones de unidades.
A principios del año 2000, se inció el rumor de que Madonna sacaría un nuevo álbum de estudio, pasaba el tiempo y los rumores se hacían cada vez más fuertes hasta que en el mes de mayo oficialmente se dio a conocer el título del álbum: “Music” al igual que el de su primer sencillo homónimo. Un mes después, se suscitaría un hecho que alegraría a muchos y molestaría a otros. “Music”, el primer sencillo del en ese entonces inédito álbum fue robado del estudio de grabación y es puesto en la red al alcance de todos. Un vocero de Madonna alegó que la canción aún no estaba terminada y que Madonna estaba molesta por el robo. Esto ocasionó que el lanzamiento del disco se adelantara un mes y se fijara para el 22 de agosto. Mientras transcurría julio y millones de fans podían escuchar el tema, Madonna decidió cambiar las fechas una vez más. Es así como el primer sencillo se lanzó en radio el 28 de julio de 2000, el lanzamiento en single sería el 22 de agosto. El álbum completo vería la luz por primera vez el 18 de septiembre en su lanzamiento mundial (excepto Estados Unidos, donde se lanzaría al día siguiente).
En el 2001, le otorgó un premio Grammy en la categoría de Mejor Cubierta de un Álbum. En una publicación de la revista Rolling Stone el álbum llegó a la posición 452 de Los 500 Mejores Álbumes de Todos los Tiempos.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Madonna no desea casarse otra vez
El día de ayer, Madonna, se presentó en el programa de David Letterman y aprovechó para aclarar los rumores recientes acerca de que va a casarse con su novio Jesús Luz. Cuando le preguntaron si está dispuesta a vivir un tercer matrimonio, Madge dijo que preferiría que le pasara un tren por encima. Realmente no me queda claro si eso fue un sí o un no, ser atropellado por un tren suena divertido. Por cierto, mientras veía el video me la pasé muy asustado porque cada vez que Madonna se reía, esperaba que se le reventaran las costuras y la mitad de su cara cayera al piso. En serio, su rostro está tan tenso que me sorprendí al ver que al final del video, cuando ella le da la mordida a la pizza, no empezó a salir botox por sus orejas.
Sticky & Sweet DVD + additional songs!
As previously announced, the Sticky & Sweet Tour (Live from Buenos Aires) DVD will be released sometime later this fall. In the 2009 S&S Tour, there were 3 songs added to the setlist and as the huuuuuuge Madonna fans we all are, we were asking Guy Oseary if those songs will be in the DVD.
"Holiday" will find its way to the fans hands!
Guy Oseary spent some time on twitter last night and said that “Holiday”, “Dress You Up” and “Frozen” won’t be included in the DVD, “as it was done after we shot and edited the dvd..”
However they were filmed in Israel and “we are trying to find a way to get them to the fans.. We have to edit the footage first and then decide how it gets to your hands..”
VERY exciting news!!!! Guy Oseary is also releasing the “Sticky & Sweet” book on November, so be sure to get a copy of that too!